Sodium Extra - Mc Door

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Sodium Extra



What is Sodium Extra?

Sodium Extra aims to bring most of OptiFine's eye-candy options to Sodium; in addition to providing some features such as visual bug fixes and other performance options that are not yet available on Sodium.


Here is a basic rundown of what this mod does.

Animations Settings (Control fire, water, lava, block animations and etc...)

Particles Settings (Control all types of particles, including ones from other mods)

Details Settings (Control sky, stars, sun/moon, weather, and much more)

Render Settings (Control fog, static entities, and other miscellaneous renderings)

Extra Settings (Display FPS, coordinates, toast notifications, clouds, and much more)

See a more detailed explanation of what features are included in Sodium Extra here.

Modpack Permissions

This is a free and open-source project; you can include it in your mod pack as long as you provide attribution!

Common Questions

Do I need Sodium installed for this mod to work? You will need to download Sodium for this mod to work.

Can I re-host/upload this mod somewhere else? Yes, as long as you provide the mod source code. Preferably if you message/ask me for permission about it first.

Will you add x features to this mod? No, unless I explicitly state that I will.

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