Simply Optimized - Mc Door

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Simply Optimized


The Simply Optimized modpack aims to provide a base of the best optimization mods available, configured for the maximum performance achievable. Thanks to countless hours of research, it often outperforms other optimization solutions in benchmarks, and when it doesn't, I investigate why to improve it further.

SO is built with maintainability and simplicity in mind. This means that little to no quality-of-life or visual enhancements are included in the pack by default - you are expected to add any non-optimization mods you want yourself.

(If that causes issues, feel free to ask for support in our Discord server and we'll try to help out! Also join if you have any feedback you want to share - all is welcome.)

This also means it's quick to recieve mod updates with new cutting-edge performance improvements, and can update to new Minecraft versions in a matter of hours and minutes! I strive to keep the pack as relevant as it can be at any given moment.

Included mods (18)

BadOptimizations by thosea (Low-impact miscellaneous optimizations)

Cloth Config API by shedaniel (Required by MoreCulling)

C2ME by ishland (Multithreading optimizations to chunk loading, generation and saving)

Enhanced Block Entities by FoundationGames (Reimplements block (tile) entities for performance)

Entity Culling by tr7zw (Uses path tracing to cull entities behind walls)

Fabric API (Needed for many mods to function)

FerriteCore by malte0811 (Memory usage optimizations)

ImmediatelyFast by RaphiMC (Immediate-mode rendering optimizations concerning many areas of the game)

Indium by comp500 (Needed for EBE's block entity models to look correctly when used with Sodium)

Lithium by the caffeinemc team (Well-known - general server-side optimizations)

ModernFix by embeddedt (A miscellaneous optimization mod targeting load times and memory usage)

More Culling by fxmorin (Culls more block faces and other things for a performance boost.)

No Chat Reports by Aizistral (A mod that provides options to protect yourself against the chat reporting system introduced in 1.19.1. It's not a performance mod, however it's vital enough to include here)

Noisium by Steveplays (Low-impact worldgen optimizations)

Nvidium by cortex (great performance improvements for newer nvidia GPUs)

Sodium by the caffeinemc team (Well-known - rendering engine rewrite utilizing modern OpenGL features)

ThreadTweak by getchoo (Allows adjusting thread priorities for the game's different tasks, and when used properly, can give a nice small performance boost. Maintained version of Smooth Boot)

Very Many Players by ishland (Like Lithium, but smaller and more experimental. Mostly server-side as well)


The versioning format is <MC version>-x.y(.z), where

the MC version taken is the minor release the version of SO is for,

x is a mod list revision (addition/removal of a mod)

y is the config revision (incremented every time a config tweak is added or changed)

z is incremented when there's a version with only mod updates and little to no changes otherwise.

x.y.z is reset to 1.0.0 for every new MC release as different MC versions are very likely to have different mod sets available for them.

Derivative packs

You can use the configuration files from SO in your modpack as long as you make it clear in your modpack's description that you have (a note at the end is enough), preferrably with a link back to this page.

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