Memory Leak Fix - Mc Door

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Memory Leak Fix


A mod that fixes random memory leaks for both the client and server

A mod that fixes multiple memory leaks in Minecraft. Both server-side & client-side
For the best performance & memory usage, I recommend using this mod with:

lithium-fabric - The best general performance mod
FerriteCore - Memory usage optimizations
My other optimizations/fixes
MoreCulling - Changes how blockstate culling is handled to improve performance
Carpet-Fixes - Largest Server-Side bug fixing mod
Blanket - Client-side tweaks/fixes
RailOptimization - Make powered rails less laggy
More Info
Feel free to contribute to the project!
I'm also fine if you use this mod in your modpacks, just make sure to mention it.

However I don't allow clients or other projects to merge this mod without permission, if you would like to use this mod in your client or another project please contact me.


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